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Join Our Team of Precision Engineers

At our core, we are a team devoted to the art and science of aluminum die manufacturing. We dedicate extensive resources to designing, crafting, and perfecting aluminum dies that shape industry standards. Our work transforms raw aluminum into meticulously crafted products, providing crucial data-driven insights that empower businesses globally to forge products with precision and excellence. Join us and contribute to a world where detail-driven engineering leads to groundbreaking advancements.

Core Values


We are committed to engaging actively in every essential task where our expertise is crucial, openly acknowledging our errors and seeking help when needed to ensure the highest quality in our die manufacturing processes.


We maintain transparency about our objectives, decisions, and methods. We promptly address any concerns to continually refine our approach to aluminum die production.


We take complete responsibility for the outcomes of our projects, embracing our roles in both successes and setbacks. This accountability drives our learning and excellence in die crafting.


We foster an environment where every team member feels supported. We celebrate our achievements and always look for ways to enhance our skills and processes in die manufacturing.


We leverage our strengths and follow our interests in selecting projects, always ready to tackle new challenges with a proactive and positive attitude in the dynamic field of aluminum die engineering.

Join our team

Senior Financial Data Analyst

QA and Assessment Specialist

Unit Coordinator, Content Team


Phone: (+2) 01012233180 / (+2) 01066621519

عن الشركة

منذ عام 2017، كانت شركة إكسبرتس للصناعات المعدنية رائدة في مجال قوالب البثق المصنوعة من الألومنيوم، ودمج الهندسة الدقيقة مع الابتكار لإعادة تعريف معايير الصناعة عالميًا، ملتزمة بتعزيز نجاح شركائنا.


Empowering sectors like Building & Construction, Transportation, Industry, Automotive, Pneumatic, and Structural with precision-engineered aluminum dies for a progressive future.

مفاهيم القوالب

نعمل على تشكيل المستقبل بمفاهيم قوالب مبتكرة لمختلف القطاعات، ونقدم الدقة والكفاءة والقدرة على التكيف لتحقيق تأثير تحويلي.